Volunteering Development Team

The Volunteering Development Team makes sure all our volunteers have a positive and enjoyable volunteering experience. They make it easy for people to join and learn new skills.

Team Tasks:

  • Use Scouts branded resources to attract new volunteers.
  • Reply quickly and positively to possible new volunteers.
  • Make sure volunteers are welcomed easily and smoothly.
  • Hold inductions with Lead Volunteers and other Team Members.
  • Help and encourage Team Leaders to have regular reviews with volunteers in their teams.
  • Make sure all teams (including Lead Volunteers) follow our approach to safe volunteer recruitment, appointment, reviews, and processes for leaving Scouts.
  • Help volunteers and Young Leaders find and engage in opportunities for learning and development.
  • Coordinate Scouts learning that needs to be delivered by an accredited Trainer - including coordinating and supporting the Trainers.
  • Use the learning delivery materials developed by Scouts (e.g. training sessions, workshops, activities, etc.), and make changes (when necessary) so activities are accessible for everyone.
  • Help volunteers connect across the local area and beyond to learn, share best practices and overcome shared challenges.
  • Set up learning opportunities with external organisations (if relevant and helpful).
  • Make sure volunteers can be recognised for prior learning and experience, and have it credited in their records.
  • Learn from people in other Volunteering Development Teams.
  • Recognise and appreciate volunteers for their brilliant work, formally and informally.

Volunteering Development Team Members

Mr Secretary
Team Member (Awards)
Mrs. AAC Chairman
Team Member (New Volunteers)
Mr. AAC Secretary
Team Member (New Volunteers)
Miss AAC Member
Team Member (New Volunteers)
Miss Recruitment
Team Member (Recruitment)
Training Manager
Team Member (Training)

Team Meetings & New Volunteer Meetings

If you are a new volunteer and you've been asked to arrange a meeting with us, please book a New Volunteer meeting below:

Mon 29th Jul
Appointments Interview
Appointments Interview
Appointments Interview
Event Full
Appointments Interview
Mon 2nd Sep
Appointments Interview
Appointments Interview
Appointments Interview
Appointments Interview
Event Full
Wed 11th Sep
Local Awards Advisory Meeting
Mon 7th Oct
Appointments Interview
Appointments Interview
Appointments Interview
Appointments Interview
Mon 4th Nov
Appointments Interview
Appointments Interview
Appointments Interview
Appointments Interview
Mon 2nd Dec
Appointments Interview
Appointments Interview
Appointments Interview
Appointments Interview
Event Full
Wed 11th Dec
Local Awards Advisory Meeting

Volunteering Development Team News

Contact Us

If you would like to contact us about something within our remit, please fill in the form below:

* First Name:
* Surname:
* Telephone:
* Email:
* Contact Message:
Type phrase below:

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Western District

Sheffield Scout HQ, 1 High Street, City Centre, Sheffield, S1 1AA

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association
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